Some of the best environmental documentary films are so-called “DIY” (Do It Yourself) films. For example, recently, I viewed a comical and powerful independent film titled Truck Farm, which is about a young man growing his own organic garden on the back of his truck in New York City. Along with the laughs and smiles, the film also provided the audience a simple message – we all can, in our own way, grow food and contribute to society.
Another film that has appeared on the independent film circuit is Tiny, a documentary about a movement to build small houses. Not 1000-square-foot houses, but as the filmmaker constructs throughout his film, a 130-square-foot home.
TINY: A Story About Living Small (Teaser Trailer) from TINY on Vimeo.
These DIY environmental films, have one common theme, less is more and better. They make us stop for one minute, remind us where our food comes from, whether we need a big house with lots of stuff, and in their own way, provide us a glimpse of a new kind of freedom.
By Pat Byington, The Green Register